Diabetes results from impaired blood glucose regulation and can cause complications in various organs, including the eye. In the United States, over 38 million children and adults have diabetes. Annual dilated eye exams help screen for diabetic-related eye conditions.
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common ocular condition that can result from diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy affects the retina—a light-sensitive structure at the back of the eye. Elevated blood sugar levels cause the retinal blood vessels to leak and bleed.
Mild forms of diabetic retinopathy can cause no symptoms, but severe forms can lead to vision loss due to fluid accumulation in the macula—the part of the retina responsible for central vision—or even retinal detachment. The best way to reduce the risk of diabetic complications is to keep blood glucose levels as steady and stable as possible and get screened annually with your eye doctor.
Refractive shifts are another possible ocular complication in individuals with diabetes. In episodes of very elevated blood sugar, the eye’s lens may swell and cause an increase in nearsightedness (or sometimes farsightedness). When the blood sugar returns to normal, the refractive shift will change again—this is why some patients report fluctuations in vision when blood sugar is high. Fluctuations can affect prescriptions, and sometimes, it is necessary to remeasure glasses when blood glucose has normalized for a more accurate prescription.

Annual, dilated, comprehensive eye examinations are recommended for those with diabetes. Alongside diabetic retinopathy and refractive shifts, high blood glucose can lead to early cataract formation, double vision, dry eye, and optic nerve swelling. When caught early, conditions can be more manageable, and visual prognosis is often better. Working toward controlled blood glucose levels decreases the risk of diabetic complications.